09. 1998 ~ 08. 2001 산업디자인전공 미술학석사 (M.F.A. in Industrial Design), Industrial Design Program, School of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (U.S.)
09. 2001 ~ 05. 2004 Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Art and Design, Industrial Design Program
08. 2000 ~ 05. 2001 Teaching Assistant, UIUC, School of Art and Design, Industrial Design Program
01. 1993 ~ 07. 1997 주임연구원, 대우전자 Design Research Center, R&D 팀
Major projects included refrigerators, washing machines and electronic appliances.
Appliance design for domestic and international markets including washing machines, vacuum cleaners (canister and potable), air cleaners and soil composters.
Worked in Paris and Tokyo for vacuum cleaner design projects.
03. 1995 ~ 디자인 자문, Tiger company ltd, 경기도 광주, 호텔 & 주방용품 전문 생산.
03. 2015 선박평형수 처리장치 디자인 연구, 한국인더스트리얼디자인학회 Vol. 9, No. 1, page 43~50, 산업디자인학연구지.
03. 2015 도시형 스탠딩 타입 전기자전거에 대한 연구, 한국인더스트리얼디자인학회 Vol. 9, No. 1, page 59~68, 산업디자인학연구지.
12. 2014 도시브랜드 이미지표현을 위한 철도 역세권 공공디자인에 관한 연구, 한국인더스트리얼디자인학회 Vol 8, No., 4, page 29~40, 산업디자인학연구지.
02. 2006 노인을 위한 제품/주거 시스템 디자인 연구; 주방기기디자인을 중심으로. 기초조형학 연구 Vol 7, No., 1, page 89~100, 한국기초조형학회 논문집
02. 2006 Visual Narratives; The Essential Role of Imagination in the Visualization Process. with co. author Assistant Professor Mark Baskinger, Carnegie Mellon University, APVIS, 2006 Asia Pacific Symposium in Information Visualization, Tokyo, Japan. Published in the Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology Vol., 60, page 217~220, Australian Computer Society.
10. 2004 Pragmatic and Intuitive Approaches to Design Drawing: The Essential Role of Imagination in the Visualization Process, with co. author Assistant Professor Mark Baskinger, Carnegie Mellon University IDSA National Education Conference, Art Center, Pasadena, California, US Published in the Proceedings, page 7~14
05. 2001 Designing an interactive communication device for the elderly by reducing product complexity, Graduation Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
프로젝트 산학협력
07. 2013 ~ 12. 2013 드라이펌프 케이스 디자인개발, (주)코디박 기술연구소
12. 2011 ~ 07. 2012 선박용 밸러스트수 처리시스템 개발, STX 메탈 주식회사
08. 2009 ~ 01. 2010 국산자전거디자인개발, 대구경북 하이브리드부품연구소
01. 2008 ~ 04. 2008 화가로봇 디자인개발 (주)토보
전시 및 수상
02. 2016 제6회 개인전, 3DCG; infinite surfaces: geometric figure which has infinite surface but finite volume, 대구경북디자인센터, 대구
01. 2015 제5회 개인전, 3DCG; design for basic, 대구경북디자인센터, 대구
08. 2014 Repetition and rhythm in composition II, 한국기초조형학회, 2014 파리 국제교류작품전, Best award
07. 2014 Repetition and rhythm in composition, 한국기초조형학회, 2014 샌프란시스코 국제교류작품전, Best award
12. 2013 제31회 대구디자인전람회 추천작가 상
02. 2013 제4회 개인전, 3DCG; design for living, Gallery중앙202, 대구
10. 2010 2010 디자인 통합 국제학술대회의, 좌장, 한국디자인학회, 연세대학교, 원주
07. 2010 2010서울국제디자인워크숍, 모더레이터, (재)서울디자인재단, 국민대학교, 서울
05. 2010 제3회 개인전, 3DCG; 3D Design, Gallery 오늘, 대구
12. 2009 New Concept Display; The Frame, 제28회 전국공모 대구산업디자인전람회 금상
11. 2008 Tree guard & tree grill design 제안, 제27회 전국공모 대구산업디자인전람회 특별상
10. 2008 제2회 개인전, 3DCG; Digital Reflection of Analog, 수성문화원 예지앙 Gallery, 대구
05. 2006 제1회 개인전, 3DCG; Design for Steel, Gallery Cube C. 대구
11. 2004 New concept Chafing Dish 주)타이거 2004 GD마크수상, 2004 벤처디자인 어워드 장려상 수상
11. 2003 ~ 01. 2004 Annual Faculty Art Exhibition, Krannet Art Museum, Champaign, Illinois
Visualization narrative I & II, rendering, mixed media 2' x 3
11. 2002 ~ 01. 2003 Annual Faculty Art Exhibition, Krannet Art Museum, Champaign, Illinois Visualization narrative, rendering, mixed media 2 x 6' with Prof. Mark Baskinger, Carnegie Mellon University The work has sold by the Illinois arts council
08. 2001 IDEA, Industrial Design Excellent Award, USA, 은상 Silver for Mail Truck Evaluation The work appeared in the Innovation magazine, Fall 2001, Page 255
08. 2001 ID Magazine Annual Design Review, USA, Design Distinguish for Mail Truck Evaluation The work appeared in the ID magazine, August 2001, Page 176